The Ontario Guild of Piano Technicians Inc. is a non-profit organization of professional craftsmen who, having passed a rigid examination are dedicated to maintaining the highest possible standards in piano tuning and servicing in this province.
Monthly meetings take place in both the Toronto chapter and Hamilton chapter. Toronto chapter meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The Hamilton chapter holds its meeting on the second Tuesday of the month.
Monthly bulletins are mailed to all members, and to those prospective members who have expressed a serious interest in the OGPT. These bulletins state the location, date, and time of the meeting as well as the nature of the technical program being presented.
Meetings begin with a brief business portion, during which matters pertinent to the operation of the chapter are discussed. This is followed by a two hour technical session which looks in depth into some aspect of piano technology. “Hands-on” programs are common, during which those present take part in bench-type repairs or regulation procedures. New members are invited and encouraged to participate.
Founded in 1965, the Ontario Guild of Piano Technicians boasts a membership of almost 50 spread across our province. We hope to continue to grow, sharing fellowship, ethical guidelines and above all piano knowledge with serious, concerned piano technicians.